Sell as a Dealer

Step 1 - Create An Account

We’ve made it super-easy for dealers to list an entire inventory. Start by registering with us, using the ‘Sign Up’ box below. Here you are creating an individual user account. Once you have then purchased a Dealer Package (in Step 2 below) you will be able to add your Dealership name, logo, team photo and so on to your profile (where you will also be able to see your entire inventory, once you have uploaded your cars).

Once you click the Sign Up Now button, we’ll create your account and bring you back to Step 2, where you choose your annual package – pay monthly, or pay yearly. Choose the annual option and you get the first month free (using Coupon Code LCLfreemonth).

Step 2 - Purchase Dealer Package

Once you have created your individual user account, it’s time to choose your annual Dealer package – pay monthly, or pay yearly. If you pay yearly, you save money. With either option you can list as many cars as you like, and if you choose the pay-yearly option you get the first month free (using Coupon Code LCLfreemonth at the checkout). So, go ahead and pick Monthly or Yearly below left, and then click PURCHASE DEALERSHIP PACKAGE.

If you’ve chosen the Yearly package, don’t forget to use the Coupon Code LCLfreemonth at the checkout.

  • Fee
  • Active Vehicle Quota
  • Listing Period
Registered Dealer
Unlimited Vehicles
  • £289/month (paid monthly)
  • £269/month (paid yearly)
  • Active Vehicle Quota
  • Listing Period
    365 Days

Step 3 - Upload CSV File

Having purchased your monthly or yearly Dealer Package, you can complete your profile with your Dealership name, add a logo, add a team photo and so on. You do that from the icon to the right of the shopping cart in the top nav bar.

You will also see in your profile sidebar, the option to upload a CSV file (CSV stands for comma-separated values, but you don’t need to know more than that!) – see the highlight in green below. This is a pre-prepared, pre-formatted template file you can edit in Excel (not Numbers, for you Mac users, or Google Docs – these won’t work) to add your entire inventory, or next time round just a handful of cars if you wish.

You can access the template here, along with instructions to use it, and can always find this again using the password-protected link in the website footer. You will be given the password by the website’s owner, Doug Haan, but if you can’t remember it, ask for a reminder here.